
Responsible for content: Cybersecurity GmbH
Business address & contact details:
Rissaweggasse 2/88, 1100 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0) 664 4666 259
Email: office (at)

Legal form: Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
Managing Director: Ing. Lukas Waldenberger, MSc MSc
Business purpose: Services in automated data processing and information technology
Registered office: 1100 Vienna, AT
Supervisory authority: Commercial Court Vienna
Trade authority: Vienna City Magistrate
GISA number: 32359770
Commercial register number: 526458d
VAT ID number: ATU75156126

Responsible Chamber of Commerce: WKO Vienna
Trade regulations:

Copyright & Usage Rights

Text, graphics, as well as images, drawings, sounds, animations, and videos, along with other digital formats, and their arrangement on the website of Cybersecurity GmbH are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified, or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. We would like to point out that some images contained on the website may be subject to third-party copyright. All rights reserved.

We aim to present ourselves with a high-quality, informative, and innovative website. The intellectual property contained therein, as well as any patents, copyrights, and trademarks, are protected. This homepage does not grant any license to use the intellectual property of Cybersecurity GmbH or third parties.


The website of Cybersecurity GmbH has been compiled with the utmost care. However, Cybersecurity GmbH cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the provided information. We exclude any liability for damages, whether direct or indirect, arising from the use of this website and the downloads, articles, reports, and information offered there, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence by Cybersecurity GmbH.

Delivery Method

All order confirmations, invoices, delivery notes, offers, product information, etc. will be sent in digital form exclusively through this website or via email to the respective contract partner and paperless processing is thereby agreed upon.

Image Credits



Logo own creation

Page About Us – Image LWa – Martin Jordan Photography

Other Images Elementor AI or DALL-E 3